Our virtual fall meeting is scheduled for 5:30 pm on Thursday November 18.
Our guest speaker will be John Harris, MD, PhD: Chair of the Department of Dermatology at UMass Medical School and Director of the Vitiligo Clinic and Research Center.
We will follow Dr. Harris' presentation with our business meeting.
Event Schedule:
5:30-6:30 PM Vitiligo: Clinical Characteristics, Optimizing Management, and Emerging Treatments (presented by John Harris, MD, PhD)
6:30-7:15 PM Business Meeting
Zoom meeting link: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/96983873041?pwd=bWZodXN3NDljRll5NW1YRDdDazRVQT09 Meeting ID: 969 8387 3041 Passcode: 764651
*Please do not share this private link to non-members*